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Breast Reconstruction in Dubai

Breast Reconstruction in Dubai
Restore Your Breasts after a Mastectomy at AIG Clinics Dubai
What is a Breast Reconstruction?
Breast reconstruction is the surgery of restoring your breasts after a mastectomy. The surgery changes your appearance and has psychological benefits.
Benefits of Breast Reconstruction
- Restoring optimal breasts after a mastectomy.
- Boosted self-confidence.
- Natural look.
- Full control over size and shape.
Am I the right candidate for a Breast Reconstruction in Dubai?
Living without a breast can really affect a woman and how she thinks of herself, it is the decision of each individual to undergo a surgery of Breast Reconstruction.
What if I don’t get Breast Reconstruction done?
You can always choose to go for the non-surgical solution by wearing external breast pads, or choosing breast reconstruction with your own tissue.
Best time to get Breast Reconstruction?
The timing is based on your desire, medical condition, or cancer treatment. You can choose to have it done during the same operation, weeks, months, or even years after to remove the breast.