Best Breast Reduction Treatment in Dubai, UAE
Breast Reduction in Dubai
No more back and neck aches due to over large breasts

What is Breast Reduction?
Breast Reduction or Mammaplasty, is the surgery which reduces the size of your breasts by removing excess fat, glandular tissues, and skin to achieve the perfect breast size. Patients usually undergo this due to back and neck aches caused by large breasts.
Benefits of Breast Reduction
- More symmetrical breasts.
- Firm breasts.
- Easier to breathe and exercise.
- Better fitting for clothes.
- Boost self-confidence.
Am I the right candidate for Breast Reduction in Dubai?
If you have back pain or neck pain caused by large breasts, you can eliminate this pain by undergoing a Breast Reduction surgery.
Breast Reduction surgery can be combined with a Breast Lift to achieve the best desired size and shape, Breast Reduction is very similar to a Breast Lift and can be combined in one surgery.

The consulted doctor is expected to Evaluate your medical history and overall health before performing the surgery. Furthermore, they will also ask you about breast-related medical conditions or family history.
You should share appropriate information about your medical history with the doctor and along with the reasons for taking up the surgery.
One must always be prepared to discuss any breast-related emotional issues with the doctor. The doctor will diagnose the breasts and take their photographs for your medical record and to get an idea about how much tissue will be required to achieve your goal.
The consultation will help you to understand the surgery and recovery process seamlessly. Moreover, doctors may do a breast mammogram before the surgery.
You must also be ready to answer about your habits, medications, and whether you smoke or not? These questions are vital in preparing for surgery.
Generally, the surgery takes about 2 to 5 hours or sometimes more. The surgical techniques depend on factors such as
- Shape and size of the breasts
- How many tissues to be removed
- Type of looks you want after the surgery
Some of the common procedures include
- Liposuction (for small reductions)
- Vertical (Moderate breast reductions)
- Inverted (Large breast reductions)
The time required for Breast Reduction Surgery recovery varies from person to person and depends upon the nature of the technique used. There will be immense pain and discomfort around the breasts after the surgery, and to cure this, you will be prescribed some pain killers. The drainage tubes shall be attached to the affected area to drain blood or other fluids, and they will be removed after a week. Your dressings will be removed after six days of the surgery.
Experiencing swelling and bruising is quite normal after the surgery. However, it will settle down after a week. You will be able to resume your day-to-day activities after a fortnight.
It is very important to have follow-up appointments to speed up your healing process. All the guidelines and instructions given by your surgeon should be followed to avoid any risks and complications.
Like any other surgery, there are certain risks associated with Breast Reduction Surgery too. However, it is very important to discuss all the risks with your surgeon before the surgery. Possible breast reduction surgery risks include;
- Scarring – There will be a lot of scars after the surgery. They can get fade with time but cannot vanish completely.
- Bruising – Bruising after the surgery is quite common to have, but it is temporary and can be treated easily.
- Skin Sensation Alterations – The skin around the nipples, might feel numb. This can be temporary or permanent.
- Breastfeeding Issues— you might not be able to breastfeed properly or completely after the surgery.
- Asymmetry – Breast symmetry is, sometimes not achieved if the excess fats are not removed from the breasts equally. This might require additional surgery.
- Allergies—it happens scarcely, but your skin might be allergic to tape, solutions, or any other relevant medications. However, in this case, you might undergo an extra treatment to treat allergic reactions.
Book Your Visit
AIG Clinics – Jumeirah
Saturday - Thursday
09:30 - 20:30
Friday - Sunday
10:00 - 19:00
Wellness Avenue – Nad Al Hamar
Saturday - Thursday
09:30 - 20:30
10:00 - 19:00