Best Eye Lift Surgery in Dubai, UAE
Eye Lift Surgery in Dubai
Eye Lift Surgery at AIG Clinics Dubai

What is Eye Lift Surgery?
Eye lift surgery or Blepharoplasty reduces the puffiness from the lower eyelids and removes excess skin from the upper eyelids. This gives you a more fresh and young appearance.
Benefits of Eye Lift Surgery
- Tightening saggy skin around the eyes.
- Eliminating droopy eyelids.
- Larger eyes which gives the face a shine.
- Eliminating eye bags that give a tired look.
- Fresh and young appearance
How does the procedure work?
The eye lift surgery in Dubai is treated by removing the excess skin and partial fat, while some other patients may require tightening of the lower eyelid to provide the best structural support.
The eye lift surgery takes around 1 to 1.5 hours to perform.
Recovering from the eye lift surgery usually takes 3 days to get back to working, although you should not exercise for about 2 weeks.

At the AIG Clinic, it’s important to us that you achieve the results you are looking for. Our surgeon will gain a full picture of how you want to look before discussing the options available to you and giving his recommendations. He will also undertake a health check to assess your overall wellness and suitability for the operation, as well as asking you about any health conditions you or any close family members may have.
The details of the procedure will be explained to you in detail so you will know what to expect on the day, and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions.
Blepharoplasty is a relatively quick and straightforward procedure that is usually carried out under local anaesthetic.
Small incisions will be made in either the upper or lower eyelid (or both, if appropriate). These will be done along the eye crease and/or lash line so any scarring will be unnoticeable. The surgeon will then remove any excess skin or fat that is causing eyebags and drooping, before closing the incisions with glue or sutures.
Although the procedure is usually carried out under a local anaesthetic, it is advisable to bring a friend or family member with you to help you get home.
Blepharoplasty is a relatively quick and straightforward procedure that is usually carried out under local anaesthetic.
Small incisions will be made in either the upper or lower eyelid (or both, if appropriate). These will be done along the eye crease and/or lash line so any scarring will be unnoticeable. The surgeon will then remove any excess skin or fat that is causing eyebags and drooping, before closing the incisions with glue or sutures.
Although the procedure is usually carried out under a local anaesthetic, it is advisable to bring a friend or family member with you to help you get home.
You will need someone for a few days to take care of you during your recovery period. Because your eyelids will swell for the first few days and your eye activity may be limited. Don’t panic about blurred vision in the early days. 4 to 5 days after surgery, you will be able to read books and watch television. However, the overall recovery period depends on the complexity of the procedure.
It would be helpful to follow your doctor’s advice along with anti-wrinkle injections to improve results and speed up healing.
Book Your Visit
AIG Clinics – Jumeirah
Saturday - Thursday
09:30 - 20:30
Friday - Sunday
10:00 - 19:00
Wellness Avenue – Nad Al Hamar
Saturday - Thursday
09:30 - 20:30
10:00 - 19:00