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Fatty Liver

Fatty Liver
Fatty Liver Treatment at AIG Clinics Dubai
What is Fatty Liver?
Fatty liver is also known as hepatic steatosis. It occurs when fat accumulates in the liver. A small amount of fat in the liver is normal, but too much can be a health problem. The liver is the second largest organ in the body. It helps process nutrients from food and drink and filters pollutants from the blood. Too much fat in the liver can cause liver inflammation, damage the liver, and lead to scarring. In severe cases, this scarring can lead to liver failure. Fatty liver follows him through four stages.
what are its diseases symptoms?
- Simple fatty liver. Excess fat builds up in the liver. Simple fatty liver is mostly harmless until it progresses.
- In addition to excess fat, there is also inflammation in the liver.
- Stubborn inflammation of the liver leads to scarring. However, the liver can generally still function normally.
- Scarring of the liver is common and affects the liver’s ability to function properly. This is the most serious stage and cannot be undone.
AIG clinic's hepatologists (liver specialists) are highly skilled in diagnosing and treating fatty liver disease, including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Our board-certified physicians provide compassionate and effective care, liver transplants, and access to the latest clinical research.
The first line of treatment is usually weight loss. Helps reduce fat, inflammation, and scarring in the liver. Losing just 3% to 5% of your body weight can reduce the amount of fat in your liver. Weight loss surgery is also an option if you have a lot to lose. You must also stop drinking. This is the only way to prevent worsening liver damage. It may even reverse some of the liver damage that has already occurred. Talk to your doctor about how to get help. You may need a medically supervised detox program to stop drinking safely and manage withdrawal symptoms. A liver transplant may be needed if you have NASH complications such as cirrhosis or liver failure. In general, NASH patients who have liver transplants do very well.