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Laser Tattoo Removal in Dubai

Laser Tattoo Removal
Tattoo Removal Procedure at AIG Clinics Dubai
What is Laser Tattoo Removal
Tattoo removal is a procedure that attempts to remove unwanted tattoos. Common tattoo removal techniques include laser surgery, surgical removal, and dermabrasion.
Tattoo ink is applied under the top layer of skin. This makes tattoo removal more complicated and costly than the original tattoo application.
If you're interested in removing a tattoo, talk to your dermatologist about the possibilities. Do not try to remove the tattoo yourself. Do-it-yourself tattoo removal creams and other home remedies are unlikely to be effective and can cause skin irritation and other reactions.
Process of tattoo removal:
Laser tattoo removal procedure. Here are some caveats:
- Local anesthesia is applied to the treatment site at least 30 minutes before starting the procedure.
- Bring the laser device close to the surface of the skin.
- A laser device emits short pulses of a high-intensity beam that are projected onto the ink.
- A laser beam breaks the ink into small particles
- It allows the immune system to rid your body of it. A cooling gel is applied to soothe the skin.