Why men should consider a breast reduction surgery - AIG Clinics


Why men should consider a breast reduction surgery

A lot of men base their self-confidence on their body shape, while some of them have genetically oversized breasts, or oversized breasts due to excessive weight gain and loss. Weight could be the reason of oversized breasts, but most males do suffer from gynecomastia (oversized breasts). A healthy lifestyle and severe diet could improve the size of your breasts but it will not fully treat gynecomastia without undergoing a male breast reduction surgery. Males don’t always feel comfortable speaking about their issues with gynecomastia which leads to feeling like they are odd or they are alone while actually, over 30% of males suffer from gynecomastia during their lifetime. Some men refrain from doing the surgery because they think that it will be obvious to others that they decided to go for a breast reduction surgery to reduce the odd size of their breasts. But, at AIG clinics, our plastic surgeon experts can actually use liposuction to reduce the size of your breasts which leaves no major traces. A breast lift might also be recommended after the liposuction in extreme cases to remove the loose skin caused after the liposuction.